27.4.04 OÖN Interview
There are no average people
OÖN: What was the most surprising discovery in Dametzstrasse?
Stauber: Our intention was to show average people in an average street. But what we’ve found out was that
average people do not exist. As soon as you come closer, every person turns out to be a very special person. (…)
Mair: You suddenly realize the stories behind all those walls that you are normally just passing by.

29.4.04 Kirchenzeitung, Linz Diocese
“About a street” (…) succeeds in a wonderful manner to grasp the microcosm of Dametzstraße, a multicultural
melting pot, and a very precise image of the European condition.

5.5.04 OÖN
From ordinary to extraordinary life
… Florian who loves his washing machine, the young husband and father, playing rock music in the vegetable cellar, taxidrivers talking about everything under the sun, at the bar of the petrol station at night, the old lady reminding the Greek restraurant owner of his mama … Nothing overloaded with meaning, nothing without any meaning, no-one as a nobody. One of the most beautiful and convincing episodes shows Elli explaing the functioning of a car wash.

6.5.04 Wiener Zeitung
“About a street” was an excellent choice for the opening film of a European film festival.
… a lovingly bizarre panopticum, that may encourage to look behind prejudice and to have a second look …
Stauber and Mair made their portraits with a feeling for meaningful details and connections without ever exhibiting the person. The audience acknowledged this with much laughter and applause.

21.5.04 OÖ Volksblatt
This look behind the facades is no social peep show
(…) The audience made a run on the opening film of the Festival “Crossing Europe” in Linz.
(...) “About a street” represents the truth and reality behind the immediate image, it stands for looking behind the facades, for coming together.